Intensive Tutorial Classes Testimonials

  • "The teacher taught amazingly and engagingly, allowing me to learn to my full potential.” Aritra Guha
  • "Great insights on exam preparation, provided great notes, presenter was straight forward and guided us in answering questions well. Overall, an excellent tutorial course." Jodie Husman
  • "The TSSM Intensive Weekly Tutorials are very helpful in condensing the chapters down and supports their teaching with course notes and excellent teaching." Sherene Dhillon
  • "The teaching really suited well to my learning style so I finally understood concepts I've been struggling with for a long time! I now feel more confident recognising questions and what I have to do" Alex Chant
  • "Loved my presenter, such a nice person and so patient too! Thanks so much TSSM :)" Anthea Lam
  • "It was a wonderful experience and I am pleased with the materials supplied. The notes helped me a lot with the content." Abeer Fathima
  • "These tutorials have been very helpful. Before them I was struggling and was not consistent in my maths. Now I feel a lot better going forward into the exam." Charles Harrison
  • "I gained confirmation and a greater understanding of concepts learnt at school, those that I struggled with I actually understand now and those that I already understood I was able to revise and practice." Briana Pappalardo
  • "Extra revision time with a teacher helped me to better my understanding of topics outside of school and reconcile ideas which I struggled with during class." Annabel Marks
  • "I gained more knowledge on specific topics which helped me throughout my normal classes." Michael Sdregas
  • "I have become more confident with my math and have learnt a lot. I learnt how to apply different formulas and equations into questions. I also have a bunch of study material that I can use to study with for upcoming SACs and exams.” James Emery
  • "I found this program to be overall quite helpful and it offered a good challenge as well as a good knowledge basis for my studies. I found the teacher engaging and more than willing to work with me until I understood the concept." Renee Aun
  • "TSSM helped me with exam preparation." Andy Nguyen
  • "I have been able to learn and revise the curriculum much quicker due to the tutorials." Dean Beziotis-Kalfas
  • "I have acquired the skills required to complete my year 11 chemistry course successfully and with confidence."Vaibhav Malhotra
  • "I learnt a lot. These classes were helpful in assisting me to understand better what my teacher at school teaches me. It also extended my knowledge with things I wasn't taught at school." Damilola Aibinu
  • "TSSM helped me with exam preparation through subject content." Andy Nguyen
  • "I have learned a lot, especially with language analysis. I would have not been able to complete it at the best of my ability if I did not come to this course." John Nassour
  • "I was able to get a more deep understanding of what I had to do and have to do to get a better mark in the end of year exam." Nina Fujii
  • "Brian is an outstanding teacher - he has a very, very solid knowledge of the subject and teaches with patience and commitment. I have gained an incredible deal - especially in a subject that is as meticulously and rigorously mathematical as specialist maths. It has been wonderful." Haripriya Sridharan
  • "I gained more knowledge on how to answer questions, study and what to expect for exams." Michelle Nassour
  • "A full understanding of the program. The material is extremely helpful and teachers are very good." Georgia Kouroumblis
  • "The tutorials were good, helping students revise over the years work. The presenter also offered great advice and tips." Amy Mai
  • "I was able to gain a better understanding of the content and it was helpful when I went back to class" Salomi Ganthala
  • "I gained confidence and a deeper thorough understanding of Chemistry" Nikita Panich
  • "Sharon is an outstanding teacher - committed, helpful, honest. I was very happy coming to the Chemistry classes this year. I feel far
  • more confident for my exam, I have learnt plenty. TSSM has put me in a really good position" Haripriya Sridharan
  • "Confidence to sit my end of year exam. This program has helped me immensely by giving me valuable knowledge and beneficial tips answering questions in Biology." Christie Borda
  • "The Intensive Weekly Tutorials truly made me feel like I grasped the subject of English Language. Before the session I was struggling to make sense of my coursework, but at the end I feel that my knowledge is drastically improved." Owen Pethica
  • "I enjoyed taking TSSM’s classes. I now have a better understanding of my subjects and have more confidence in them now that exams are approaching". Bill Wang
  • "The questions are great and my SAC marks improved." Amani Kekunawaia
  • "I have bettered my knowledge in my subjects and have learnt new ways to approach the content." Sarah Horsburgh
  • "Has helped me with my SACs immensely and given me confidence to sit my end of year exam." Christie Borda
  • "I was able to gain a lot more expertise and confidence in a subject that I find particularly challenging - I understand the concepts a lot better now and I no longer 'dread' specialist maths - I am so pleased. Brian is a very experienced, helpful and patient teacher." Haripriya Sridharan
  • "TSSM Physics offers great resources and provides helpful materials. It has helped a lot!" Chloe Loh
  • "TSSM tutorials have helped me improve and gain a better understanding of the subjects that I'm studying in school." Bill Wang
  • "I feel more confident for my Unit 3 & 4 exam. The course has provided me with a lot of information that keeps me ahead of my class at school." Long Lam
  • "A lot. My English grades have improved significantly. I want to personally thank my teacher once again." Kevin Lam
  • "The tutorial has given me much more confidence in a subject that for me was very difficult." Caitlan Ryan
  • “By attending TSSM, I have become a better VCE student and have boosted my confidence on how to approach and tackle the exams in November.” Daniel James
  • “When I first came to TSSM, I was struggling to grasp the concepts of my subject, having skipped Units 1 and 2. Coming to the Intensive Weekly Tutorials was my last act of desperation before completely dropping the subject all together! However, the weekly classes gave me a much needed boost and from the detailed notes to the class discussion I was provided with much clarity for my essays as my marks went up by two grades! Many thanks to my teacher who was an amazing teacher.” Melody Tay
  • “I have gained a much more extensive amount of information about Unit 4 and also how to answer and tackle exam questions. Helen has been an amazing teacher and really helpful with all her explanations of each area of study.” Amber Stanley
  • “I found these classes very helpful. They were well structured and I liked that program was so specifically tailored for the exam. Everything was very relevant and the notes and questions were great revision.” Natala Perera
  • “TSSM really helped to improve my confidence in English writing and provided notes that are immensely helpful.” Kyra Randell
  • “A better knowledge of what is required of me in the exam and how to please the examiners. Also of the skills that I need and what to work on. The examples and exercises during class were very helpful and I think I went well in my school SAC’s because of the class.” Rachel Russel
  • “I was able to discover some new formulas to use for the questions I struggled on.” Kevin Yuan
  • “Engaging sessions! The teacher’s determination and motivation made it worthwhile.” Anna Hua
  • “Attending TSSM Intensive Weekly Tutorials widened my knowledge on my subjects and made me feel more confident in exams.” Jennifer Tsoutoulis
  • "The weekly tutorials were great for building on my knowledge and making me more confident.” Joshua Zanan
  • “I feel that I am now capable of walking into my Year 12 Biology exam and obtaining an exceptional result; A feeling that I would most likely lack if I didn’t attend TSSM.” Andrew Butler
  • “I have learned more about some areas of physics and it has helped in school as I understand the topics better now.” Angela Ediriweera
  • “I learnt some knowledge that I didn’t learn from school. I also learnt some exam techniques from the tutorial.” Tony Gao
  • '' TSSM's intensive weekly tutorials have reinforced the work I do at school. The notes are excellent and straight to the point. Time well spent." Hong Fei Ting
  • '' TSSM has been awesome for me this year. The Psychology notes were really good and Leigh was a really good teacher. Thank you so much!" Shiamalan Thanaskanda
  • '' I gained many skills such as how to tackle exam question and I gained a wide knowledge of the subject. The notes were very easy to understand and helpful to prepare me for the exam and SACs." Jaci Hartley
  • '' The exam style questions on a weekly basis greatly helped and were a vast improvement on textbook questions." Kate Fraser
  • ''Without this program, I would feel very lost - really filled in gaps in my knowledge and helped to consolidate what I already knew. The presenter was fantastic, and I now feel much more confident for the exam. Thank you!" Alexandra Marks
  • ''It was extremely helpful in helping me understand concepts that I didn't fully grasp over the year at school. It was also useful because it helped to revise areas learnt in Unit 3 that I had forgotten." Christy Pearson
  • ''Jennifer was fantastic! Very engaging, thoroughly prepared, patient and knowledgeable. Very adept at answering our questions. Got a lot from this program, thank you TSSM!" Minto Felix
  • ''The 12 week intensive weekly tutorials have doubled my knowledge in this subject. It has covered materials that have not been covered in school." Varnan Ganeshapillai
  • '' The Psychology intensive weekly tutorials were awesomeand really helpful as I was studying Psychology for the first time, without doing units 1&2. Now I feel ready for the exam. Thank You!'' Selina Um
  • '' My teacher was great. She made every attempt to help me and answer my questions. She made lots of time for me on several occasions." Casey Schneeberger
  • '' TSSM is extremely professional and cares about its students. They provide a wonderful environment (eg. study room, fresh fruit) that is safe and comfortable which gives a great foundation to learn on." Lucy Harris
  • '' By attending the intensive weekly tutorials, I have gained a great deal of knowledge which will help me with the exams. It has resulted in increased scored in my school SAC's." Ben Xin
  • '' I am in a much more confident and prepared position for the final exam. Thanks very much for your help.'' Trent Stevenson
  • '' Gained a concise understanding of the course. Helen gave Business Management a sense of life, she put emotion into the course and made it thoroughly enjoyable.'' Thomas Penfold
  • '' I can hardly believe that this is the last class for the session. I have certainly enjoyed attending the Further Maths intensive target classes here at TSSM. David has been such a good teacher that he can make any difficult or boring maths knowledge become interesting and exciting. Since attending David's class, my grades for Further Maths have increased from A to A+ and remain it. I find all my questions easily solved here under David's instruction and I appreciate his patience and sense of responsibility as the best kind of teacher. I have enjoyed this program and feel very confident about my coming final exams. If David can be the teacher for Maths Methods CAS next year, I find no reason why I should not attend TSSM. I will certainly recommend the programs of TSSM to my friends!'' Marissa Zhang
  • '' I found this program invaluably helpful as our presenter was able to explain the course in a way that was more elaborate and succinct than the teachings at school. I was also given questions unlike the ones I have done at school, which has made me feel more confident with Specialist Maths.'' Monica Foong
  • '' I have basically LIVED at TSSM this year, but it's been great, I'm really grateful that all the presenters were so friendly and helpful & combined with some hard study I hope I'll do well.'' Natalie Freund
  • "I gained knowledge, great resources that the presenter brought every week and a great environment." Chloe Page
  • "I feel much more prepared to succeed in my end of year examinations." Kate McClure
  • "I increased my knowledge about my subject dramatically, as the coursework here is highly in depth and detailed." Nathan Yii
  • "I gained valuable knowledge regarding ways in which to approach my accounting exam and things to look out for." Jack Sun
  • "This exam revision program has provided me with an edge over the other students to do well in the exam. Extra notes and help has broadened my understanding of the topics revised this semester." Amandeep Singh
  • "This accounting program provided an excellent source of extension exercises which is invaluable for exam preparation." Jamin Wood
  • "The course gave a very good insight into Unit 4 as well as showing a few good hints on where to pick up easy marks throughout the paper and well thought out templates to aid with the studying of the course easier." Matthew Lara
  • "From attending the 12 week Legal Studies program, I have become more confident in this subject by being given extra detailed notes which has enabled me to gain more knowledge in this subject and before my exam." Alana Musumeci
  • "The program has really helped me in my preparations for my legal exam. Helen is an awesome presenter and she has helped me feel very confident about the exam. The program has been helpful and enjoyable." Fatmir Azemi
  • "I gained extra motivation and understanding in my studies as well as extra confidence. TSSM was the best thing I did for my schooling." Natalie Studdert
  • "I find that the amount that a student gets out of these sessions is proportional to how much they want to learn and get out of it. I received a better understanding of the course work and therefore was able to understand how things worked in real life which ultimately gives me an advantage when asked a question of that sort in the exam." David Bathie
  • "It was very helpful to my school studies as topics that were new to everyone else, were revision to me, which in turn took stress of my overall studies." Zac Carter-Madej
  • "It was a very good help especially the language analysis department as I wasn't confident about it at all. The presenter of this subject was really helpful and helped me understand what I needed to know." Dilan Kent
  • "I found the program very good as it reinforced what I have been learning in class. I thought the notes were extremely comprehensive and have been using them consistently throughout the year. A GREAT PROGRAM!" Stephanie Karagiorgios
  • "I believe this program has been very helpful, and I would greatly recommend it. The presentation was easy to understand and a better way of learning. I really enjoyed this course, and I would happily do it again. Leigh is a very splendid teacher!"
    Sarsha Maree
  • "This program was very helpful. I feel more confident about my exam and have gained more knowledge than what I've learnt at school. This was worth the money. My presenter was awesome!" Thanh Lam
  • "I found the revision notes very helpful and easy to understand. I gained more confidence in my SACs at school by knowing I have learned extra information outside from school." Simone Hollands
  • "Nina was always very cheerful and helpful. She always answered questions clearly and I found the program to be very interactive." Cassandra Selvaggio
  • "Helen Voidis went over and above the requirements of the program. She provided extra summaries, photocopied handouts and gave us several practice exam papers. The program made me feel like part of a family and I would definitely recommend this to other people." Lauren Davis
  • "The 14 Week Exam Revision Program provided me with an environment in which it was easy to concentrate on study, without distractions. It improved a good base for my knowledge through repetition and simply practicing the course." Mitchell Brien
  • "The 14 Week Exam revision program helped me grasp the mathematical concepts that were difficult. Our presenter, Mr. Bold was very professional and help was always given when asked for. The 4 week practice exams were excellent as well as they gave the idea of what is coming up." Ishita Nandal
  • "Because it was such a small group it allowed me to benefit greatly with interactive class discussions etc." Natalie Kakonyi
  • "Mr. Currie was able to teach clearly and made the material easy to understand. I feel much more confident approaching the exam in the knowledge that the material was well taught." Thomas Sneddon
  • "The extra four weeks, purely for exams were really beneficial. The weekly classes helped so much as well. Even if I wasn't doing a specific module I could still ask for help, which was equally beneficial." Olivia Morgan
  • "Thorough revision of important concepts; insight from having an assessor mark my exam at the end of the year. Overall, definitely worthwhile. Worth making the trip up to Melbourne." Scott Hodges




Small Interactive Classes Easter Holiday Program Our Guarantee 3 for 2 Special Offer TSSM's Live & Online Private Tuition VIP Member
"Such a great holiday program, gaining much benefit heading into the next terms work."
- Kyle Oneil
"The notes that I was given will assist me in more detailed explanations in my essays."
- James English
"The notes are very specific, detailed and helpful. I am definitely going to use them as my main form of study."
- Crystal Garner
"This revision program has been so useful! My knowledge of what to write about on the exam is so much broader and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to do really well on the exams!"
- Emily Mumme
"I gained extra motivation and understanding in my studies as well as extra confidence. TSSM was the best thing I did for my schooling."
- Natalie Studdert
''TSSM's intensive weekly tutorials have reinforced the work I do at school. The notes are excellent and straight to the point. Time well spent."
- Hong Fei Ting
"It was brilliant! Such a good presenter really enjoyed it and learnt a lot. Definitely will come back for the end of year lectures."
- Simone Milenkovski
"TSSM has consolidated my knowledge on the areas of my study and it has significantly increased my confidence in my future exams. I am glad I chose TSSM."
- Anthony Tran

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