VCE English Resources - Teachers

TSSM provides a variety of English resources read below to see what we offer!

English Framework Of Ideas Resources

Our English Framework Of Ideas Resources have been prepared by experienced senior VCE English teachers who have studied and taught these texts for many years.

  • Student Workbook is designed to help students unpack and explore the ‘Framework of Ideas’ through comprehension questions and activities and will act to compliment the ‘Specific Summary Notes for Text List 2’. The workbook includes 3 section:
  1. Mentor Text Notes (summary, important scenes or quotations, reflection, references)
  2. Comprehensive Questions to help unpack the mentor texts
  3. Writing Activities for mentor texts
  • English ‘Framework of Ideas’ Specific Summary Notes for Text List 2 Our Specific Summary Notes are carefully organised into 4 comprehensive sections:
  1. Background Information (definition of central concept, context, purpose, audience)
  2. Framework Analysis (form, issues and debates, working with language and literary devices, resources and organisations, writing prompts and ideas, sample pieces)
  3. Mentor Text Analysis (discussion and analysis of each mentor text)
  4. Assessment & Exam Preparation (sample essay question, final exam advice, references  


Analysing and Exploring & Analysing Argument (EAA) Teachers' Handbook

Our Analysing and Exploring & Analysing Argument (EAA) Teachers' Handbook is a powerful tool for school teachers to use for all aspects of Exploring & Analysing Argument.

Each resource contains several key topics that are crucial for Assessment in Unit 3 and Unit 4. A practical step-by-step guide for the VCE Year 12 English Teacher, covering all aspects of the Analysis of Language Use Assessment for Unit 3 and Unit 4.

Core benefits of the Exploring & Analysing Argument (EAA) Teachers' Handbook include:

  • The Exploring & Analysing Argument (EAA) Teachers' Handbook is prepared by senior VCE teachers consisting of VCE assessors, state reviewers and published authors with ample experience in setting and marking VCE material.
  • The Exploring & Analysing Argument (EAA) Teachers' Handbook is supplied with fully worked solutions and a marking guide.


English Text Resources

Our English Text Resources have been prepared by experienced senior VCE English teachers who have studied and taught these texts for many years.

  • Our Text Summary Notes delve into the heart of the text by detailing the key areas of the text. Our Text Study Maps are for VCE English produced only by TSSM. 
  • Rather than just summarising the key ideas of each text into notes (which we have also done), we have gone two steps further to create a learning aid for more visual learners. The Text Study Maps are an A2 size concept map poster for Text List 1 and A1 size for Text List 2.

Exclusive benefits of our Text Study Maps include:

  • Accelerate and improve their learning.
  • Improve their recall of facts by up to 500%.
  • Mirror brain functionality.
  • Enhance their creativity and focus.
  • Incorporate colours, images and key ideas.
  • Target exam related topics.
  • Connect important concepts.
  • Be provided with a revolutionary new method of learning.

To order offline, please click here to download the order forms!


*All resources are delivered within 5 working days upon release on February 7, 2024.

English Framework of Ideas Resources - Teachers Click Here
English Exploring & Analysing Argument Handbook Click Here
English Text Resources Click Here
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"Such a great holiday program, gaining much benefit heading into the next terms work."
- Kyle Oneil
"The notes that I was given will assist me in more detailed explanations in my essays."
- James English
"The notes are very specific, detailed and helpful. I am definitely going to use them as my main form of study."
- Crystal Garner
"This revision program has been so useful! My knowledge of what to write about on the exam is so much broader and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to do really well on the exams!"
- Emily Mumme
"I gained extra motivation and understanding in my studies as well as extra confidence. TSSM was the best thing I did for my schooling."
- Natalie Studdert
''TSSM's intensive weekly tutorials have reinforced the work I do at school. The notes are excellent and straight to the point. Time well spent."
- Hong Fei Ting
"It was brilliant! Such a good presenter really enjoyed it and learnt a lot. Definitely will come back for the end of year lectures."
- Simone Milenkovski
"TSSM has consolidated my knowledge on the areas of my study and it has significantly increased my confidence in my future exams. I am glad I chose TSSM."
- Anthony Tran

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